This is my first summer as a Mom with her children at home trying to work, getting the balance between play, family, entertaining, eating and work is no easy task. No day up on day at the beach this year, as soon as I start to get finished I have more to do, oh don't get me wrong this is not a complaint, but some beach time would be fun.
The boys and I are getting our rhythm, Mom works in the morning whilst they play, then its a family brunch and out for the afternoon. Yummy food and play time in the evening. Once the guys are in bed its time for some more work.
Yes indeed we have found a happy flow to this little family life and some sunshine has meant meals outside and splashing in the paddling pool.
So I just wanted to say hello and explain my lack of interaction, its busy here and my little business is nearly on its feet, a few more bits to organise and I will be ready for 'full on work' mode just in time for the children retuning to school. I thank you for sharing this venture with me, its scary and some big lifestyle changes have had to take place. Life moves on and changes are always part of life, I struggle now to take time out to smell the coffee but I always have time to listen to what my kids have to say to me and always have time for a cuddle with them.
I hope your summer is fabulous and the rain isn't spoiling it to much. Thanks for popping by and normal blogging will resume in just a couple of weeks, which is just as well as I have so much to share, I have met some really lovely people over the weeks and been very inspired, its been an exciting time.