Rosy is showing off her super smart new collar, what a treat it was to get something nice in my post, it was a treat from the lovely Pene at
Scrap my mid life crisis. I thank you, my day was made brighter and happier, I thank You Pene. What a beautifully made collar, your workmanship is perfection.

Its here at last, the holidays, this is the first year I am a little overwhelmed at the organisation of it all and the getting things done around my beautiful boys. Gone are the endless hours of creating fabulous memories of endless summer days by the seaside, playing with friends and sharing picnics on the beach, just packing up for six weeks and escaping to the beach. This year we will manage to do all of those things just not for six weeks, however this year it will take a degree of planning and time keeping. Yes a single Mom of two boys, struggling on a tight budget is a far cry from the family I was once part of, a camper van to tour the beaches and camp out, a beautiful holiday home as our base and financial security, yes I always worried why my husband was not a part of our family outings and it made me sad they he missed out on precious time and memories with his children, I guess he was creating his own memories. So long as the children laughed and enjoyed their time I chose not to worry. Sadly all this was lost and the children feel it more than me. I work hard to keep their spirits up and with someone special who adores my children and gives their time so freely and happily we are finally getting there and healing the wounds. In fact at times life is better, but all our hearts are damaged.

So we are looking forward to getting to the seaside, getting away from it all. This last two days have involved solicitors and sorting out my home in case we get a viewing booked in. Its soul destroying and NOT how I wanted the holidays to start, the children feel my pain despite carefully hiding it from them. But its done now...

Time to start making precious memories and finding our summer rhythm...
Sewing in the mornings and playing in the afternoons...

I am off for a few days to Anglesey, my car is packed with the usual beach related stuff and my sewing machine. I love the fact that my sewing is worked around my children but like mothering, I cant just clock off at the end of my shift... it carries on, don't get me wrong I love this, being creative is a big part of who I am and how my boys see me. We make... seriously we all do... from paper aeroplanes, baking cookies, building Lego, yes we make...

Each summer we draw up a list of what we want to achieve through our holidays and on the last weekend of the summer we reflect on this list, the list is usually placed for us all to see everyday on our fridge, held on by one or two of Mommies crochet flowered fridge magnets. This year our list hasn't been completed, as this year my eldest wanted to give it more thought, so far though we have had... improve on skateboarding, water skiing, photography and best yet... my little one wanting to learn to knit... Oh happy days....

Rosy the puppy is our ever faithful new family member, life without her now seems unthinkable, she is such a part of who we are, the boys walk her every evening and as for how I feel about her, well she is such a faithful companion, always by my side and always up for a cuddle. We are all so excited about taking her on the beach.

So I leave you for a few days, yes I have some sewing to do, I wouldn't be DOTTY RED if I didn't, but I will get it done and it will be a part of our rhythm, life carries on and I am learning to roll with what comes my way... but a few days away here and there, away from a home that has lost its heart, to create some special memories...

Yes the summer time has always and will always be a special time for me... I will be back next weekend and in the meantime I hope you will be creating memories to keep you and your loved ones warm all winter long...
Thank you for staying with me through the last few months, its not been as pretty as I would have liked but your support spurs me on to greater things, from my heart I thank you.
PHOTOGRAPHS.... Dotty Red summer range. beach huts, boats, cupcakes and long walks in meadows...
...All cushions SOLD thank you...