What a fabulous break I had, indeed the sun shone, the air was crisp and dry and I watched over the period of a week the season fully change to full on SPRING... HAPPY DAYS!!!

Don't think for a moment I have been idle with these hands of mine, no indeed not, I could not resist taking a couple of projects with me to work on, yes I know I was just going to work on my blanket but variety is the spice of life!

I managed to finish off a few projects in the evenings whilst the children slept in a deep slumber after all their activities. With the company of a movie or two and a glass of wine, I beavered away until it was my turn to slumber.

Most of the holiday, in the day time, actually took place outdoors and as I look at the photographs I can see how the weather changed, as I started off in a coat and ended the holiday in just a Tee and jeans, I even got out of my winter boots...

The farm I was staying on is a sheep farm and of course the lambs could be seen jumping and gambling all over the fields. The children particularly took delight in seeing the lambs. Its a true gift of nature to watch these adorable animals enter the world and with some encouragement from Mommy get on their feet only moments after being born.

Yes indeed, the outdoor time truly touched my soul and ignited the spring and summer spirit in me that I had hidden deep away whilst we faced another cold and snowy winter.

Each day we relaxed in the pool,

walked our little socks off,

and played. We also slurped far more hot chocolate than we should have, which of course had to have marshmallows bobbing amongst the creaminess of the warming drink...
A much needed week after the difficulties of the past year, which whilst they are not over and I returned home to more silly unpleasantness, I feel strong enough to not only deal with the insecurity of mine and my children's future, I am even excited by the possibilities of it all.
A fabulous week, a week of healing, bonding, time with loved ones and a visit to a good friend. It warmed my soul and made me feel loved and blessed.
So I have been home for a few days and have not had time to unpack yet, everyday my time is taken up by necessity, appointments, solicitors, college, work, study, washing and sadly looking after my poorly rabbit, Archie. He is an old boy now and sadly has been diagnosed with cancer, so each day this week I have been spending some time at the vets or trying to medicate Archie, which seems to be having a positive effect as today he spent the day free ranging around the garden and eating my daffodils...
This weekend I am spending my time in my garden, which I am embarrassed to say is very neglected at present, along with working on the Easter orders, its fast approaching... So a bit of a bunny theme running through my days.
Until next week I wish you only the best and I hope you get to enjoy some fresh air of your own...
Spring song for this year...
Jamiroquai-Blue Skies